Exclamation Point Universal Serial Bus Controller Driver Yellow


USB devices work great in Windows but when they stop working, they make you really frustrated and angry. And yesterday it finally happened to me too. I plugged in my WiFi USB dongle into the USB port of my desktop PC and nothing happened. The USB device was not being recognized by Windows at all. First I opened the networking settings from the Windows Control Panel and later I ended up looking at the Device Manager. In the Device Manager, the WiFi USB dongle was listed but it had a yellow exclamation mark on it – meaning it is either not working or not working properly. Clearly this is due to some driver mess made by some third party software, but fortunately it can be fixed easily. The solution works invariably in Windows 7, Windows 8.x and Windows 10.

  1. Plug in the USB device you are having problems using in Windows PC to any of the USB ports.
  2. Open the device manager by pressing the hotkey Win+R, typing in devmgmt.msc and pressing Enter.
  3. Find your device with the yellow exclamation icon over it, right-click on it and choose Uninstall. The device will disappear from the list in the device manager.
  4. Do not unplug the USB device. Click on the Scan for hardware changes icon in the device manager. This will detect your USB device once again and re-install it for you. Hopefully, your device should start working at this moment.

If I go to Device Manager in Windows, under the 'Universal Serial Bus controllers' there are listed an Intel USB Host controller and a USB Root Hub with no indications of problems. Under 'Other Devices' there is listed a Universal Serial Bus Controller with the yellow exclamation point. I have installed the VMWare Tools as well. Select 'Universal Serial Bus controllers'. The Intel USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller device and Intel USB 3.0 Root Hub device should be listed and not yellow banged. If not, the driver is not installed correctly. IDENTIFYING VERSION NUMBER: - Click 'Start' then right click on 'Computer' button and then click on properties.

Oct 7, 2018 - USB Host Controller with a yellow exclamation mark Error 31. I would suggest you to uninstall all the USB drivers listed in device manager and then restart.

If the device still shows the yellow exclamation mark over it in the Device Manager, then download USBDeview from Nirsoft website. Unplug your USB device first, then launch USBDeview with administrator privileges. Locate your USB device, right-click on it and select Uninstall selected devices.

Reboot your PC and try using your USB device once again. If this does not fix the problem, then perhaps the USB devices drivers are messed up. Now the only sure way of fixing things is to refresh Windows or perform a System Restore rollback.

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USB or Flash drives are the choice of many users, as far as data transfer among different computers is concerned. However, at times it may happen that yourUSB devices are not working properly and they led to poor user experience. For example, when you plug in issued USB devices, they either do not show up or if they show up, became idle after few seconds of inactivity. In other cases, we found that when we try to access files on these USB devices, Windows File Explorer hangs for almost 1 or 2 minutes.

Most of the time, we carry important data on our USB devices, and if the issue of not charging occurs, we might not be able to finish our important work which follows the path via USB drive. Therefore, it is necessary to fix these random issues, so that we can use USB devices without any hitch. Before trying the fix mentioned, we suggest you check your USB devices to plug different computers. This will clear if the USB device is not malfunctioning and if it is working fine on other systems and not on your Windows 10/8/7, follow this procedure:


USB Devices Not Working Properly

1. Press Windows Key + R and type devmgmt.msc in the Run dialog box to open Device Manager.

2. When the Device Manager window opens, you have to seek the USB device with whom you’re facing trouble. It may be listed under Human Interface Devices as USB Input Device.

If you don’t find it there, you can expand Universal Serial Bus controllers. Here, you’ll find a list of USB devices you’ve connected with your system so far. To find the one from the list for which you have an issue, you have to follow the trial and error method. That is, plug and remove the device and note the changes among the list of devices for Universal Serial Bus controllers. The entry which is appeared and then removed subsequently is the entry for the issued device. Keep the device plugged in and right click on this entry, pick Properties.

3. In the device properties window shown below, switch to Details tab. Now click the drop-down menu for Property and select Device Instance Path. Note down the corresponding Value because we will need this value in further steps. By the way, this value is a combination of three IDs; namely Vendor ID (VID), Product ID (PID), Instance ID.

4. Press Windows Key + R combination, type put regedit in Run dialog box and hit Enter to open the Registry Editor.

5. Navigate here:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetEnumUSB<Device Instance Path>Device Parameters

Substitute the Device Instance Path part (after USB) obtained from the step 3.

6. In the right pane of Device Parameters key look for the DWORD named EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled which must be showing its Value data as 1. Double click on the same to get this:

7. In the above-shown box, change the Value data to 0. Click OK. You may now close the Registry Editor as well as Device Manager.

Reboot the machine to get fixed!

If this does not help, maybe you want to try the Windows USB Troubleshooter.

Also see:

Exclamation Point Universal Serial Bus Controller Driver Yellowstone

TIP: Download this tool to quickly find & fix Windows errors automatically

Universal Serial Bus Driver Download

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