The Fault In Our Stars Download


18 discussion posts. KaryC said: Hi ladies,I found a link online to a free copy of The Fault in our Stars if anyone wants it: http://thefaultinourstars.

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Hi ladies,
I found a link online to a free copy of The Fault in our Stars if anyone wants it:

Thank you! I am on a waiting list for this book.

having issues downloading it. it states downloaded but I don't see it on my kindle. did you download the book?

I'm also wait-listed at the library for it. I just tried to download the audiobook to my laptop and it's not letting me.

message 5: by KaryC (last edited Mar 27, 2014 01:26PM) (new)

I downloaded it as a PDF right to my computer, not a Kindle, but I had to search in my download files to find it and open it with Adobe. Cherie, I didn't try the audio file, so I regretfully can't help you!
So it's not seamless, but it's free....

If anyone is still having trouble, let me know. I'd love to discuss this book, but if it's not available for all to read, we can postpone.

nice movie watch it here now::
nice movie watch it here now::
nice movie watch it here now::

i just joined this group to ask a question about this link.ive been looking everywhere for a way to get a free ebook of the fault in our stars and i ran across ur link? is it legal to download this ebook this love to know cause if so i definately wanna use this link.

Where is the link for the free download of the ebook?

The Fault In Our Stars Download Movie

message 11: by Elizabeth (last edited Apr 15, 2015 10:57PM) (new)

at the top the comment left by Karyc im sorry i thought you had posted it.anyway her comment includes a link to download the ebook for free.

I don't post anything that I know is illegal--should be ok.

and ok thank you so much KaryC.That really helps me out.:)

I didn't, Elizabeth--I read it on the site.

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