This Update Requires A Wifi Network Connection To Download


If you hotspot your phone and download the update to your laptop, then run the install via iTunes, you can get around it. Or if you find a wifi connection elsewhere (that won't cut you off for excessive data use (as some free/public ones can/will)). Ps4 WiFi issues submitted 5 years. I went to find a download link for you, and it looks like version 3 has been pulled, and they want money for version 4. But at the house I go to on the weekends, it's fine. And by refuses, I mean it says this: Cannot connect to the Wi-fi network. The WPA password might not be correct. (NW-31297-2) sorry.

I've downloaded the IOS5 IPSW from Apple's site and want to update it from within iTunes. So,

  • Does the update require an Internet connection?
  • Does the iPhone switch off/reboot just as the update is initiated?

I ask because I'm at my new place where I'm yet to setup an Internet connection & my iPhone tethered to my laptop is my only Internet connection. I don't want my phone to be bricked because it cannot verify the update or what-not because there's no Internet connection.

Sathyajith BhatSathyajith Bhat

2 Answers

Yes it does. It has to verify the firmware with Apple's servers ( If it cannot, it will error out (usually presenting a 3XXX error, which is quite often 3004) and fail to update.


it does require internet. Just made the answer short.

Wifi Network Diagram


This Update Requires A Wifi Network Connection To Download Free

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